Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Evil, evil, evil...

Lurking in the depths of my computer, and in the depths of my old notebooks and display folders, I have poetry, essays, stories and random writing of evil, twisted nature. These are what I wrote when I was a teenager, when I was very annoyed at the world and everyone in it, when I felt like God was nothing more than the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus, a myth invented by parents to make kids behave that little bit more.

Thank God I grew out of that stage and then became more an agnostic than an atheist. I didn't believe, but I was open to it. Then of course I had the car-accident, experienced quite a few spiritual experiences which I could not pass off as mere coincidences, dreams or anything of the sort. Besides, if the spiritual experience is contrary to God's Love, Mercy and Justice, it is not from God. If it is nothing but His Message, and you feel at peace, then it most likely is from God.

Some of these poems/stories etc; are quite evil and even anti-Christ. One I can remember was something like "You can't judge me, only God can. But God doesn't exist, therefore no one can." I think the reason I come under spiritual attack so often is because of these evil, heretical writings. I don't need them. I don't like them. Even if I was into that still, they aren't very good pieces of writing - I was pretty young, before I was sixteen!

Time to burn them, throw them out, delete them from my computer and my backups. Nothing I want anymore, they make me sick when I see them, hence why they are packed away in old notebooks inside boxes full of things I keep, but don't neccesarily need out (I live in a very small place!).

Well, I know what to do later on tonight, if not tonight, it will have to be Friday as I have to go to court to give evidence in a matter. I'm nervous, but I will be fine! I'm not in trouble or anything, just witness :-)



  2. The anti-Baphomet sigil is unnecessary. I don't go around as a Laveyan Satanist putting up anti-"God" pictures everywhere, and the post doesn't have anything to do with the Sigil, so please, I show your religion respect, please respect mine, even if you don't agree with it.

  3. @ZONADOW: Quite a valid point you have there, I had not thought of it that way... I was really using the Baphomet for want of a symbolic image, but neglected to see how some may see this differently with a red circle and cross through it... Might look for something better! Besides, I don't want to annoy or alienate the LaVey Satanists, as you guys are really pretty kool and switched on, I must admit (this coming from a Catholic?! LMAO). Thanks for reading - and posting! Constructive criticism is always welcome!!!

    1. I"d prefer if you'd do that as well, the sigil was created in order to create a positive image not associated with anti-Christian sentiment, or even evil. Inverted crosses may be more appropriate as they tend to be seen as anti-Christian and more evil.

  4. Repent the end is near? why do those of a God ideal, see it as a Sin(aka a bad thing) to be Human? wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony. All basic Human nature. all things that push us to better ourselves and achieve what we want to achieve in life. Besides all you gotta do is beg god for forgiveness at the very last minute, for all the "bad" you've done.

  5. I once thought the same thing, "Why are God-people - particularly Christians - Hellbent on showing how evil we as humans are?"
    Hmm... perhaps it's because Humans ARE FLAWED!!! Have you not felt it yourself? Felt those eyes straining, making it harder to perform the task at hand? The "Seven Deadly Sins" are named as such as well because by pure definition, most of the words are intrinsically evil (see below).

    WRATH = Extreme Anger. Anything that gives off one of the negative emotions must be evil.
    GREED = Intense, selfish desire for something.
    SLOTH = Reluctant to work or make an effort: Sounds to me like someone isn't just being selfish, but also downright idiotic.
    PRIDE = Feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements. Having PRIDE when one ought to feel SHAME or even just INDIFFERENT is bad and will make you form bad relationships.
    LUST = Very strong sexual desire. Just as single people are called to the virtues of chastity, so too are homosexual people. Being homosexual in itself isn't a sin, however Holy Mother Church still teaches that MAN/WOMAN = CORRECT, MAN/MAN = Intrinsically disordered.
    ENVY = Feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions can even lead some to STEAL. At best, if you are an admirer from a distance, and you DON'T take other peoples belongings, at least a part of you FELT LIKE doing so, but just decided against it.
    GLUTTONY = Habitual greed or excess in eating.
