"Russian Blue"
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Holy Spirit,
East Albury NSW 2640, Australia
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
⚜My Theological Debates⚜ – FINAL POST: Fig: 20.20
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"The Unforgivable sins!" – Mark 3:29 |
THIS, MY FINAL POST– I was "blocked" from posting at the original FBook location of the debate; Part of "someone elses" "Personal Wall", whom we shared a "mutual friend..."
Alas, without further-ado, I present my finale IMG Fig: 20.20
For the prior posts of this "debate"
visit my FaceBook Album
Jordan mate, you make NO SENSE, LOGIC, RATIONALITY or REson, whatsoever!!! Then again, I can't expect someone who claims the "opposite" or the "counter" to LAW is GRACE, as opposed to the theologically and linguistically more sound (and appropriate!) LAWLESS being the "counter" or "opposite" of LAW.
I rest my point. I feel the debate has been proven to be dealing with hypocritical, judgemental teachings on YOU GUYS behalf. That your HYPOCRISY have PROVED your SHAKY, DECEPTIVE DOCTRINES and THEOLOGICAL views/understandings...
So, I highly doubt this debate will prove of any benefit in my further reproving you of sin, lawlessness etc; — if anything, it will rather devolve further into petty "name calling" without teaching you of any GODLY TRUTHS! Oh, brothers, I have been debating, trying to reprove your sins that you are TOTALLY BLINDED to! That you can continue sinning as its paid for already?!
Right. OK then... If your argument is in fact correct... That GOD wants us to continue to "crucify Him, again and again!"; That "The Law" the "Commandments" of Almighty God are irrelevant in this, the Age of Faith and Grace etc;... Well... Like I said... I may as well "live up the best of both worlds!"
Keep sinning — but without repentance, which ACTUALLY makes us more humble, more meek, with the continual, lifelong acts of sorrow for our personal sins and repentance...
"Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land" see: Matt5:3-10
I also read "Blessed who hunger for RIGHTEOUSNESS, blessed the CLEAN OF HEART"... I DON'T, however, read anything REMOTELY SIMILAR to: "Blessed those who hunger for righteousness, whilst committing acts of lawlessness and unrighteousness, theirs is the Kingdom of God." No! Nothing REMOTELY similar!
In fact... Prophetic word SPEAKS of our very times, the final generations at the "end of the current age" which would increase in LAWLESSNESS, IMMORALITY, DECEPTION — committed by those who "know not the Lord". Once we become aware of our sins, shortcoming etc; it should be repented, actively struggle against reoffending, because God HATES sin! He cannot be AROUND sin! He doesn't want His Children to SIN, therefore, thus showing their allegiance to SATAN.
If however we actively fight AGAINST recommitting our sins, our fleshly lusts and desires, even if we struggle and struggle greatly... So long as we are truly repentant and truly sorry from the heart, He will forgive us! You cannot be TRULY sorry for sins if you ACTIVELY seek the next opportunity to reoffend! Where is the remorse? The guilt?
Alas, where is "the fear of the Lord" which, as Holy Scripture tells us, is the BEGINNING of WISDOM??? Without regret, or the "fear of God Almighty" (which is the beginning of Wisdom; See: Prov9:10!)
Obviously, some people just can't see sense; reason; become too proud, too much seeking "the approval of men" but not the approval of God for living HIS WAYS, becoming more CHRIST LIKE each and every day, even if we have our lapses; or relapses into sin. So long as we REPENT, continually, and "turn from our errors!"
"I mourn many of them that sinned before, and have not done penance for the uncleanness, fornication, and lasciviousness, that they have committed." See: 2Cor12:21, and:
"Try your own selves if you be in the faith; prove ye yourselves. Know you not your own selves, that Christ Jesus is in you, unless perhaps you be reprobates? Now we pray God, that you may do no evil, not that we may appear approved, but you may do that which is good, what is right. For we cannot do anything against the truth but only for the truth. I write this while away from you, in order that when I come I may not have to be severe in my use of the authority which the Lord has given to me for building up not for tearing down." (2Cor13:5-10)
"They profess to know God: but in their works they deny Him; being abominable, and incredulous, and to every good work reprobate." (Titus1:16)
I pray you humble yourselves before the Lord, that you don't trust in your own created laws of right and wrong whilst leaving out His Scriptures. I pray that the final quote I leave you with this morning is NOT you, in particular, the first verse, No: 26:
"God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature. And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts one toward another, men with men working that which is filthy, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error. And as they liked not to have God in their knowledge, God delivered them up to a reprobate sense, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all iniquity, malice, fornication, avarice, wickedness, full of envy, murder, contention, deceit, malignity, whisperers, detractors, hateful to God, contumelious, proud, haughty, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, foolish, dissolute, without affection, without fidelity, without mercy. Who, having known the justice of God, did not understand that they who do such things, are worthy of death; and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them." (Rom1:26-32)
Good morning; good afternoon; and good night. May the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Wisdom, convict you of your sins before it is too late... Before God either "gives you up to your grave unrepentant immoralities" — or tells you that thou you say to Him, "Lord, Lord..." that he casts you aside, to the weeping and gnashing of teeth, because he doesn't know you.
Extreme, yes. But. Change IS possible!!! With the right type of therapeutic counselling/psychiatry/pschology (not the modern, new age mumbo-jumbo variety!) — if one truly desires to change... Not to necessarily become "heterosexual", but rather, more within "right standing with God" and a much more brotherly love, faith, trust and reliance on Christ the Lord... unless you are "just not yet" given over to true repentance, desiring a more faithful devotion to your Lord and apparent Saviour... But... You are much better off casting the unrighteous fruit in the fire the sooner you are repentant for it, as opposed to delaying it!
We live in dangerous, "End Times" and those not believing this to be a fact are very, very much deceived... Long known Biblical prophecies that have NEVER been fulfilled, or even CLOSE to fulfilment are becoming more and more likely as the days draw on... Ezekiel 38/39 prophecy.... That of the Dead Sea coming back to life, miraculously! The birth of a pure, red heifer, the last and final pure, unblemished, spotless red heifer being born on the 28th August, 2018, bringing forth the soon to be reinstated Jewish Holy Sacrifices to thus "restore their land" and ready to reinstate Mosaic Sacrifices and the construction of their Third Temple... All the signs, plus the increasing birth-pangs, or earthquakes, volcanoes, flooding, fires — hell even what they are calling "firenadoes", a combo of tornado, built of fire, from bush fire ravaged areas (which, come to think of it, sounds very similar to the "pillar of fire" which led the ancient Israelites on their Exodus from the land of Egypt, see: Ex13:21)
Hence, it is becoming quite apparent that we may be the final generation before the second advent of Christ, who comes in glory, and judgement! Do u REALLY want to POTENTIALLY miss out on the Great Rapture of the Church, on the off chance your beliefs RE: continual sinning is in fact INCORRECT??? Believe in "these times" I certainly wouldn't want to miss the greatest event in human history since the first coming, the birth, the death, or our One True God, through the Son, of Christ Jesus! Amen!
Nor, would I want to believe in my own, fallen, corrupt judgement, as opposed to the MANY truths, signs etc; from the very Word of God in Sacred Scripture! Getting it horribly wrong, means living in the horribly wrong, much, much more evil, immoral, lawless and depraved times of the "Great Tribulation" — the WORST time in ALL the days of earth and human existence! Eek!!!
"Watch ye, therefore, praying at all times, that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that are to come, and to stand before the Son of Man"
." (Luke21:36)
Peace and blessing, friends. 🙏🏼✝🛐
EXTRA FINAL piece to convey my case-in-point!!!
See the screenshot-grab
(top of post; above)
About the
"unforgivable sins of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit."
(Mark 3:29)
Holy Spirit,
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Actual "Flight Plan" maps PROVE FlatEarth
Version: A101
I guess they never thought we "Flat Earthers"
would be so INGENIOUS as to study many aspects,
including REAL LIFE "Flight Plans"
Another way for the discerning,
and eager student to see that...
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Figure 1a |
Above you will see a map of what we all "grew up" knowing as the map of the world AKA: the global earth DECEPTION (see Figure 1a). It is in actual fact a flight plan map used by numerous international airlines. The red lines mark-out the apparent flight-paths taken from city to city.
Notice how the route between Hong Kong and New York looks a little odd? i.e: Why the Northern flight through China and Russia – instead of simply flying straight over the Atlantic?
It has nothing to do with extra stops along the way, let me tell you!
Have a look at how it even flies over the Canadian arctic before eventually getting to New York...
Strange, right???
No, not really!
This so-called "map" we have all grown accustomed to
is FAKE!!!
The earth does NOT look like that in REALITY!
For a picture of how the earth REALLY looks, scroll down and view
Figure 2a and Figure 2b
The first map (Figure 2a) shows an (albeit rough!) path between New York and Hong Kong – seeming to make much more sense than the stupid "global" flight-path up-and-over and through the arctic, and it also makes sense when comparing it to the actual flight path taken by international airlines!
Now, have a look at Figure 1a again; notice the flight path veers from New York northwards over Canada, flying just below Greenland before reaching London...
Again, I ask: Why not a more straight path straight over the Arctic?
Now have a look at Figure 2b you will see another rough path between New York and London (which I roughly drew in using PhotoShop!) showing how the route actually takes you above into Canadian airspace and not far south of Greenland before reaching London.
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Figure 2a |
Enter the Flat Earth
map of the world!
map of the world!
What the world has FAILED to teach you!
with the global earth
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Figure 2b
I personally have never flown overseas, or flown domestically for that matter...
Oh, how I would love to! Just to have a good look out at the horizon...
Seeing further the higher we fly!
The horizon is always level with the eye,
so the higher you are, the further you see!
To be able to see – or, rather, NOT see
the CURVATURE of the horizon...
But rather see there ever-expanding horizon
WITHOUT the use of a "Fish Bowl" camera lens!!!
(which they use in many photos to give you that curve)...
Figure 1a – Source: Figure 2a and Figure 2b – Source: PhotoShop edited "Screenshots" of Flat Earth HD on iOS Figure 3a – Source: Figure 3b – Source: ________________________________ |
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
Apollo 11 and NASA's LIE'S!!!
NASA's days are numbered now that President Trump is, well... President of the United States!
Still, we can see their outright LIES by having a quick look at their OWN website! The following image can be found at:
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Maccabean Uprising – Recommendation!!!
A relatively new occurrence has happened in the last two-years, Glorious God has revealed to us that the books of the Old Testament – that of the Jewish people – completely pre-figures, and in chronological order – the history of God's New Testament people, the Catholic Church.
Do have a look; watch my short 1-minute video post about this AMAZING website!
Glory to God in the highest!
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Do yourself a favour and leave ALL your preconceived ideas/thoughts/beliefs and knowledge. Yes – EVERYTHING that you have ever learned regarding our world, the earth... a spinning ball in the middle of space...
#FlatEarthTheory makes MUCH MORE sense when EVERYTHING is laid out in front of you.
Look at images of different FLIGHT PLANS;
i.e; from New York to London...
Notice anything odd???
Why fly up-and-above Canada, even towards Greenland?
Why not simply fly...
...straight over the Atlantic???
Makes more sense to me...
When was the last time you saw the EARTH as a GLOBE?
...or the last time you saw a #FlatEarth image?
...perhaps it was adorning the flag of the
The NORTH POLE is at the CENTRE of the earth; whilst the SOUTH POLE, more commonly referred to as ANTARTICA, is in fact a HUGE ICE-WALL, encircling the earth, on this "plane model."
Why bother trying to explain this???
Have a look at some photos/images theorising the #FlatEarthTheory
on my FaceBook site
Friday, August 3, 2018
Two Handcrafted Russian Icons — Imported from Russia!🇷🇺
In good time, I shall be going for a short drive, with my parents, most likely so I can pick up these two beauties! They come framed and were imported to Oz from Russia!
I can't wait to get my hands on these pieces... they will both go PERFECTLY in my bedroom at my personal prayer-table/prayer-space!
I enjoy good art... Creating it... Admiring it...
Anywho... Peace and Blessings to all from Our Lord God and Saviour, Jesus Christ!
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