Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Islam and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

A few nights ago, as usual, I couldn't sleep, nothing was on television, and I didn't have the energy to read or do anything else, so I had a look through my DVD collection for something interesting to watch.

Looking through my movies, I couldn't decide on one to watch - I do have quite a number of them, but I have seen them all so many times! I stumbled upon some in blank-jewel-cases - Islamic ones - that had been sent to me a few years back when I was planning to study Religion and Culture during Yr12, though I never ended up making it back… or I made it back, but didn't stay long I should say!

The one I put on was about the Passion of Jesus, that is, his crucifixion, death and ascension to heaven. At first I was thinking this would be interesting to see their theories as to why Jesus is a prophet, not God, and how he wasn't crucified!

However, it all ended up quite differently. Many of the things that were said seemed to me like claims that had no backing, just claims, trying to keep Muslims believing in Islam. Still, I kept an open mind and contemplated these things.

I then moved on to another DVD which were stories of new Muslims - either previously atheists, Christians or otherwise non Muslim. Note that both DVDs were just talks - lectures - not documentaries or anything otherwise.

The following day, I had so many thoughts racing through my head. So many questions. I dragged a bag out from under one of my desks full of Islamic literature, again, things that were sent to me a few years back. These included books on Islam & Christianity, The Trinity, Human Rights in Islam - plus many more. I also pulled the Translation of the Qur'an from my bookshelf.

Now, these things have been sitting here for quite some time. Whilst I have at times attempted to read them, I have never succeeded, mostly due to misconceived ideas and perhaps a bit of bigotry. Certain things I have read about scientific facts on Islam, things only proven in the 20th century, but dismissed it all as simple fraud from the Torah or Bible, which were written before the Qur'an.

This time, I kept an open-mind, thought I'd give it another go, read some things, what have I to lose? It can only reinforce my belief that Christianity is the true faith - it can't destroy that belief, the only way it can is if Islam ends up proving to be Divine also!

I have so far read one entire book, Islam & Christianity, parts of the Translation of the Qur'an, bits from some of the other books, and am now halfway through one "refuting allegations against Islam".

So, where do I stand? To tell you the truth, I really don't know anymore! So much compelling evidence is there that shows me the Qur'an is Divine Revelation. So much both within The Bible and Qur'an show this, and also show more about Christianity and lies.

I have read so much and learnt so much that I simply can't write it down here, but I thought I would write more-so about things I see wrong with the world, not Islam!

Many people believe Islam is a totally unjust religion, based on bigotry, violence and hatred. The Western media doesn't help with these claims, only ever portraying the bad side of Islam, or when an Islamic Nation "calls to arms" they fail to report that they are in fact the defender, not the aggressor, which in fact is usually the West.

However, the things I have read only prove the opposite to our misconceived ideas!!! Many verses in the Qur'an go to back that up with wanting to abolish slavery, giving equal rights to everyone, even between ruler and subject, how it is accepting of all people - people of the book (Jews and Christians) as well as all others, that Islam was talked about to people of different faiths but never forced on them - all this, coming from the Qur'an.

I am not trying to say that there is no such thing as "spreading faith by the sword" or even terrorism, however that is a minority. Much like Christian fundamentalists, which are in fact a minority. What did the Christian's do in the 14th century? Crusades, making people convert or die. Muhammad (pbuh) never preached this in Islam, nor is it in Divine Scripture that is the Qur'an.

All I am saying is that people really need to give Islam their time of day. Actually pick up some literature and learn about Islam and Muslim's, with no bigotry and not allowing their misconceived ideas to affect their judgment. Only then can you realise that perhaps it is in fact a religion of peace as the followers say!

Many of these books I have picked up have backing from many sources - Muslim and non Muslim; Bible and Qur'an; even historical evidence!!!

So I urge you, give it your time of day, and if you do not have that time, do not go simply on what you hear in the media. Those of you who have picked up the Qur'an and read it front to back yet still claim the Western media is correct, obviously you read it with no conviction for the truth. Also, how can a Christian pick up the Bible and read it without any guidance and understand it without help from a teacher or other sources? They cannot. Thus, likewise, how can you possibly think as a non Muslim you can pick up the Qur'an and understand it without any of the aforementioned aides?