Saturday, December 31, 2016
As we celebrate with friends and family it comes to the close of another year. We reflect on the previous 12-months and aim to do better with the next twelve, whilst also hoping for a less traumatic year to be had by all. Whether 2017 will be one of the good years or not we can only tell with time – though I believe this will be one big shake-up of a year for everyone. Get ready, world, to experience events of massive disruption to everyone: young and old, rich and poor, religious and atheist, slave and free.
During the last year the Church celebrated an extraordinary jubilee year of mercy. Divine mercy. This year, 2017, is a landmark year for many reasons, notably the centenary of the Fatima apparitions of Our Lady and the "miracle of the sun" but also 500-years since the "Protestant Reformation" ripped through Europe, fracturing western Christendom.
In the Jewish calendar we are currently in the year 5777. Those schooled in Biblical studies will know that the number seven is a divine number to indicate "perfection." The number five is to signify grace. 5,777 = grace + perfected. Have a read of this article on "Mystic Post".
So not only in the Church, but the Jewish mind also, we are at a cross-roads of sorts. Coincidence? According to Jewish Rabbi's, "coincidence" is not a "kosher" word. To many Catholics, coincidences are actually signs from God, or angels, which are signs from God, none-the-less.
Throughout the next nine and a half months there will be "signs in the heavens" culminating towards the end of 2017, near the centenary of the "miracle of the sun". Sadly, most of the world will not look up at the night sky to witness such events unfold before our eyes because they are too glued to their phones and computer screens.
"And a great portent appeared in the heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars." – Revelation 12:1
For too long, God has been despised, hated, reviled, ignored, replaced. The whole world is wallowing in sin. In the west we have created a world without God. But God still exists, whether you want to claim he is a fable of antiquity, a moral guiding force for our ancient, illiterate, uneducated ancestors – as though we have the monopoly on knowledge! Perhaps, people in the past had things more spot-on than we have the world at this very moment.
Catholic prophecy speaks of a time when the "Immaculate Heart shall triumph" – I believe it will be soon, in the next twelve months. The prophecy also speaks of an "Illumination of conscience" where we will all experience a deep inward reflection of our lives and actions as they appear to God. Everyone. Not just Catholics. Not just Christians. EVERYONE. Some will take these signs for what they are, a warning from God, and choose to repent and mend their relationship with the Eternal Father. Many will have other excuses and grow harder in heart, becoming more wicked and evil.
Following this "illumination of conscience" there shall be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all who reflect and repent. Think the first Pentecost, but on a much, much larger scale. What an exciting time to be alive! The Lord is more-or-less giving us all a second chance, allowing us to know for certain He is real, from personal experience. An admonition. That shall be God's great mercy to us pilgrims here on earth.
Twelve-months ago I experienced my own personal "illumination" – though it wasn't THE "illumination" prophesied. Finally I understood the world in a different way. I understood why certain behaviours of mine were in fact evil. Sinful. I chose to take all that on board, renouncing the gay lifestyle I had been involved in since I was a teen. I broke-up the relationship I had with my now best-friend. Things have been going steady since, though I for one am not without sin, even now. The prophesied "illumination" may have to occur before I drastically change my ways, but I have started. Trust me, the sooner you know the truth, the better for your soul!
"Repent, and believe in the Gospel!" – Mark 1:15
Divine Mercy,
Gospel of Mark,
Holy Spirit,
Our Lady,
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Death of Celebrity
It is the final week of 2016 – that week in between Christmas Day on the 25th and New Years Day, the 1st of January 2017. A quick browse on social media will indicate 2016 was, by most, a horrible, dreary, deathly year. I for one don't think it was too bad of a year, though many bad things might have happened. Perhaps nothing major happened to me personally, though every year is littered with seemingly arbitrary events, deaths and trauma.
One of the main things I found people say is how many celebrity deaths there was in the year. According to Wikipedia, there are quite a number, though most of them unreported. From religious leaders, doctors and politicians, it seems that celebrity is the only thing that matters to this depraved world.
I don't want to rain on your period of grieving whomever you are grieving. George Michael was the most recent celebrity death that got the attention of the mainstream media. But could all these deaths be the start of the end of celebrity? We can only hope.
This world is so disconnected from reality. Social media is aflame with egotistical, superfluous wannabes. What about the Middle East – Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Yemen? "We don't live there so who cares" is the excuse of many. Well, how about the influx of migrants into Europe? The religious persecution against Christians and other faiths? Everyone is too involved with themselves and the bubble they place themselves in than to care about reality of life for some not as fortunate to live in a free, democratic, well-off "first nation".
Why do the general public appear to care more about the death of a celebrity than the death of someone who actually changed the world somewhat? Anti-smoking doctors, heart surgeons, the physicist who gave us the "heimlich maneuver"?
Soon enough celebrity will be dead, when we realise we are all made of the same substance and all in need of God's saving grace. When Jesus Christ is coming with the clouds at trumpets blow, all of us will be looked at the same and judged accordingly. And lets face it, there aren't too many celebrities who actually do great, selfless things without thinking of a way to "make a buck."
One of the main things I found people say is how many celebrity deaths there was in the year. According to Wikipedia, there are quite a number, though most of them unreported. From religious leaders, doctors and politicians, it seems that celebrity is the only thing that matters to this depraved world.
I don't want to rain on your period of grieving whomever you are grieving. George Michael was the most recent celebrity death that got the attention of the mainstream media. But could all these deaths be the start of the end of celebrity? We can only hope.
This world is so disconnected from reality. Social media is aflame with egotistical, superfluous wannabes. What about the Middle East – Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Yemen? "We don't live there so who cares" is the excuse of many. Well, how about the influx of migrants into Europe? The religious persecution against Christians and other faiths? Everyone is too involved with themselves and the bubble they place themselves in than to care about reality of life for some not as fortunate to live in a free, democratic, well-off "first nation".
Why do the general public appear to care more about the death of a celebrity than the death of someone who actually changed the world somewhat? Anti-smoking doctors, heart surgeons, the physicist who gave us the "heimlich maneuver"?
Soon enough celebrity will be dead, when we realise we are all made of the same substance and all in need of God's saving grace. When Jesus Christ is coming with the clouds at trumpets blow, all of us will be looked at the same and judged accordingly. And lets face it, there aren't too many celebrities who actually do great, selfless things without thinking of a way to "make a buck."
"I AM coming soon." – Revelation 22:12
Middle East,
Friday, December 23, 2016
Welcome to 2016
We are technologically-abundant, materially-rich and spiritually-bankrupt.
The Churches of old dwindling in attendance, most long forgotten, sold and demolished for a new set of inner-city appartments.
Where is God in all of this? He no longer exists as one all-powerful being, for we have stolen his name, applying it to our own feeble human structure. We kill in the womb as if no life had ever been growing. Our parents and grandparents can no longer do anything useful so we give them an injection to send them to sleep.
Politicians are our priests. Transgenders our spiritually enlightened beings to be looked up to. Movie stars and singers our canonised Saints, and Facebook is our meeting place to whinge, whine, gossip and troll.
Weekend time we go to break bread and have a pint. Followed by church services – a singer or band inebriating our senses in large sporting stadiums.
Just remember to not question or think outside the new-norm. Else you'll find yourself in courtrooms and gaols. Yes, thinking, and true intelligence, that is now a crime.
So much entertainment forever on offer. But are we happy, or even close, like the golden days of old?
One day, I hope, we shall live to see another golden-age in the West. But it won't happen until we look back and repent of all the evil and sin. Selfishness and hate. Corruption and greed. Then finally restore the All Powerful to the place He deserves. In our heart, in our mind, public life and private.
Come Lord Jesus. Maranatha. Amen.
The Churches of old dwindling in attendance, most long forgotten, sold and demolished for a new set of inner-city appartments.
Where is God in all of this? He no longer exists as one all-powerful being, for we have stolen his name, applying it to our own feeble human structure. We kill in the womb as if no life had ever been growing. Our parents and grandparents can no longer do anything useful so we give them an injection to send them to sleep.
Politicians are our priests. Transgenders our spiritually enlightened beings to be looked up to. Movie stars and singers our canonised Saints, and Facebook is our meeting place to whinge, whine, gossip and troll.
Weekend time we go to break bread and have a pint. Followed by church services – a singer or band inebriating our senses in large sporting stadiums.
Just remember to not question or think outside the new-norm. Else you'll find yourself in courtrooms and gaols. Yes, thinking, and true intelligence, that is now a crime.
So much entertainment forever on offer. But are we happy, or even close, like the golden days of old?
One day, I hope, we shall live to see another golden-age in the West. But it won't happen until we look back and repent of all the evil and sin. Selfishness and hate. Corruption and greed. Then finally restore the All Powerful to the place He deserves. In our heart, in our mind, public life and private.
Come Lord Jesus. Maranatha. Amen.
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Homosexuality: The LIES and DECEIT
See the following site. No further information needed. If it's not supported by evidence – SCIENTIFIC at that – then the deniers, activists, "politically correct police" and other propagandists no longer have a foot to stand on.
I'm not saying people should stop being gay etc;. Go for it if you so wish! Just stop forcing others to agree to the lies we have been told are facts, when clearly, science tells us otherwise...
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
There comes a time in everyones life, a turning point – a change in thought, a fork in the road – where we drastically change our thoughts, modify our behaviours, start doing things, though many times stop doing things as well. For the last fifteen or so years I have been a self-identifying gay/bisexual man (lets not get too hung up on sexual identity labels!)
Up until very recently I was in a steady, long-term, same-sex relationship. After a good twelve-or-more months of deep thought, prayer and reflection, I had an adult conversation with my partner and we called it quits in January 2016: on the feast of the Epiphany to be exact... one could almost say, "I had an epiphany ON THE Epiphany!" Was an amicable break-up; we are still good friends: praise the Lord!
So I've lost the need to identify with a specific sexuality finding much more freedom within myself as a result. A strange time to choose to leave the gay-lifestyle at a time in history when things are drastically changing in many western nations, people becoming more accepting of gay/lesbian folk, many now forcing it upon the rest of society.
I'd like to thank several different people and sources for my change in thinking, namely the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference with their "Don't Mess With Marriage" booklet distributed nationwide in Catholic schools last year. But most of all I'd like to thank God, for without the Holy Spirit many things would have fallen on deaf ears.
Not all my research and information came from religious or "anti-gay" sources as the media portrays. A fair amount came from a well educated, feminist lesbian, Camille Paglia; in other words, I made a good effort at getting factual information, scientific information, theological information from both left and right, none could call me a bigot just because I now believe what's not the current social-norm, politically correct thing to do.
Here in Australia we have an upcoming plebiscite on the "gay marriage" issue. Thanks to God and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit I have drastically changed my mind on where I stand on the issue. I could no longer live my life, comfortable within myself, with such conflicting issues regarding my faith and sexuality, particularly when I read about the controversial "Safe Schools Coalition" already in many high-schools nationwide, teaching students unhealthy behaviours such as breast-binding and how to tuck-away your penis, and the ability for boys to go to school in dresses and vice-versa.
I've recently seen documentaries of young boys, not even into their double-figures in age, choosing to be "transgender" well before they have the mental capacity to fully understand their choices, and today I read how next month they will be teaching toddlers about sex and cross dressing in preschools, kindergartens and childcare centres!
Clearly even here in Australia the gay-lobby has gained too much power, and must be stopped. I don't want to fight for the rights of adults to live "on par" with traditional marriage. I'd much rather fight for the traditional understanding, as well as for those who are unable to fight for themselves just yet: the children of Australia, many of whom are growing up in broken homes already, without fathers etc;.
Children much be able to live their lives as children, not pushing them into the world of sexual ideologies too soon. They will have plenty of time to deal with those things when they become legal adults, unless the world finally sees through the lies of the gay agenda and yet again make drastic changes back to the way things were last century.
Perhaps if I was never exposed to the gay world at such a young age myself, who knows, but my life could have been very, very different by the time I turned 30. Maybe have a wife, my own family. A house, job, car and licence.
Instead, I must pick myself up yet again, dust myself off and see the positives to have come from the darkness in my life.
Up until very recently I was in a steady, long-term, same-sex relationship. After a good twelve-or-more months of deep thought, prayer and reflection, I had an adult conversation with my partner and we called it quits in January 2016: on the feast of the Epiphany to be exact... one could almost say, "I had an epiphany ON THE Epiphany!" Was an amicable break-up; we are still good friends: praise the Lord!
So I've lost the need to identify with a specific sexuality finding much more freedom within myself as a result. A strange time to choose to leave the gay-lifestyle at a time in history when things are drastically changing in many western nations, people becoming more accepting of gay/lesbian folk, many now forcing it upon the rest of society.
I'd like to thank several different people and sources for my change in thinking, namely the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference with their "Don't Mess With Marriage" booklet distributed nationwide in Catholic schools last year. But most of all I'd like to thank God, for without the Holy Spirit many things would have fallen on deaf ears.
Not all my research and information came from religious or "anti-gay" sources as the media portrays. A fair amount came from a well educated, feminist lesbian, Camille Paglia; in other words, I made a good effort at getting factual information, scientific information, theological information from both left and right, none could call me a bigot just because I now believe what's not the current social-norm, politically correct thing to do.
Here in Australia we have an upcoming plebiscite on the "gay marriage" issue. Thanks to God and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit I have drastically changed my mind on where I stand on the issue. I could no longer live my life, comfortable within myself, with such conflicting issues regarding my faith and sexuality, particularly when I read about the controversial "Safe Schools Coalition" already in many high-schools nationwide, teaching students unhealthy behaviours such as breast-binding and how to tuck-away your penis, and the ability for boys to go to school in dresses and vice-versa.
I've recently seen documentaries of young boys, not even into their double-figures in age, choosing to be "transgender" well before they have the mental capacity to fully understand their choices, and today I read how next month they will be teaching toddlers about sex and cross dressing in preschools, kindergartens and childcare centres!
Clearly even here in Australia the gay-lobby has gained too much power, and must be stopped. I don't want to fight for the rights of adults to live "on par" with traditional marriage. I'd much rather fight for the traditional understanding, as well as for those who are unable to fight for themselves just yet: the children of Australia, many of whom are growing up in broken homes already, without fathers etc;.
Children much be able to live their lives as children, not pushing them into the world of sexual ideologies too soon. They will have plenty of time to deal with those things when they become legal adults, unless the world finally sees through the lies of the gay agenda and yet again make drastic changes back to the way things were last century.
Perhaps if I was never exposed to the gay world at such a young age myself, who knows, but my life could have been very, very different by the time I turned 30. Maybe have a wife, my own family. A house, job, car and licence.
Instead, I must pick myself up yet again, dust myself off and see the positives to have come from the darkness in my life.
Holy Spirit,
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
A practicing Catholic, still practicing!
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This Catholic meme sums up my thoughts! |
Stupidly as I would now call it, I decided to "come out" of the closet in year-eight at the tender, still innocent age of thirteen or fourteen. For those unaware, "coming out" is the term used when one accepts their so-called sexual identity as being gay, or one of the many other letters in the ever increasing length of the LGBT label.
Growing up in the late 1990's and early 2000's it contained lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender... now I have seen labels increase to more than ten letters in that once famous four-letter acronym, with other "genders" and "sexual preferences" or "identities" including: queer, intersex, curious, questioning, allied – just think of what you want to call yourself and it will soon be added making everyone feel they are part of this great new-age human rights movement. That being the so-called human right to have free will and sin. If you add all those other terms the acronym starts to get quite lengthy: LGBTQIQCA.
Now I have blogged in the past about my being "gay" or "bisexual" – I could never pick which one I was as a teenager or as a maturing adult. I have also blogged more often about my belief in the One True God and being Catholic. Only a few months ago I also blogged about being a gay Catholic, how the two are totally incompatible to the other: a gay Catholic is indeed an oxymoron. By that I mean you cannot be an active homosexual and call yourself Catholic. Those who believe you can refuse Catholic teaching – Catholic truth – and still be an active homosexual really need to examine their lives, their conscience. It just doesn't make sense!
On the other hand one can be a Catholic who suffers attraction to the same-sex, though not acting on that sin of passion and desire they choose to live their life in a chaste way in conformity with God's truth as revealed by the guardians of the truth, the Holy Catholic Church.
Fairly recently I decided it was time after much reading and research on the topic of same sex attraction to renounce my standing with this evil sin. Sure, I still have attraction at times to the same sex, but I also have attraction to the opposite sex which has been increasing with age... and grace given wisdom from on high!
It was time I have "the talk" with my now best-friend, though at the time my partner of several years. I'm sick of being a hypocrite! Sick of believing in certain things, trying to manipulate God's word to conform with my life. That is certainly not how the Bible is to be read! We must read and pray the Bible with an open mind and heart allowing the Lord to teach us, to reprove and correct our thinking to be in line with His.
The more research I do on the topic of homosexuality, the more I get turned off and feel shame and regret over my past sins; sins thats for quite some time I was ignoring my conscience and not believing to be sin. Such a great wealth of information – TRUE INFORMATION! – is out there; don't believe everything you hear from the mainstream-media when it deals with the gender ideology. More often than not most of the research it corrupt with either very little to no scientific, factual or historical information. Certain things are simply outright lies but people still believe it as truth!
Thanks heaps you totalitarian, neo-fascist, gay-agenda activists and far-left elite intellectuals for corrupting the world, particularly for corrupting innocence – with your exaggerated research, outright lies and manipulation of words. They lie because people are ignorant enough to believe anything they read or see and happy to apply it to their lives. I wonder if the gay movement would have such support if a larger audience knew the real facts of the matter?
As I said, people are ignorant. They don't want to know the truth. Happy to live the lies they have been told, not questioning them. When your days draw to a close you will wish you has spent more of your time researching the evils of this gay movement, its corruption. Though it will take some time and quite a few blog posts I have decided I will start writing down just some – certainly not all – of my findings on the matter in the hope that someone out there questioning their "identity" will come to understand the truth before they "come out" and join Satan and his evil spirits as practicing sodomites in this modern, very real Sodom and Gomorrah. Satan is in fact real – the battle we are constantly fighting is increasing in evil.
Ultimately in this Jubilee Year of Mercy I have decided to repent, ask and receive forgiveness from the depth of God's Divine Mercy while I carry this heavy cross of mine. With time things will be easier, though to tell you the truth, if not for the grace of God I would still be wallowing in shame and self-pity, living a sinful life.
It is time I start to live my life – the life God gave me – to the glory of God! I am a child of God, as we all are – and I refuse to base my whole life one a word that does nothing but declare to the world: "Look! Over here! I'm a proud sinner with no shame!"
Divine Mercy,
Holy Spirit,
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